Challenges in Hospitality Catering Recruitment

Hospitality catering recruitment agencies are dedicated to finding and hiring the right candidates for a job in many types of businesses in the hospitality industries such as hotels, bars, restaurants, resorts, and casinos. There is an increased demand for recruits in the hospitality industry and there have been many changes lately. HR professionals face many challenges when it comes to the recruitment of new hospitality professionals. The hospitality industry is in high demand, a shortage of skilled personnel will exist. Wage growth and job swapping will naturally occur which will result in a challenging and competitive recruiting environment. Retaining and attracting the best and the most skilled people for your business can be, very challenging year after year.

The quality of the candidates 

The hospitality industry is no exception to finding the right candidates for the job. Within any sector, you may be looking for a large number of people at one time, the quality workforce may not be available to you. There is a shortage of a qualified and dedicated workforce. There are many ways to advertise that your business is seeking qualified candidates for specific job roles. Post on job boards that are popular, social media is another great way of seeking new recruits.

High Turnover Rate

Another major issue in the hospitality industry is the high turnover rate. The staff members working for leisure programs and hotels, they face issues and may be getting low pay which would make them leave the job a lot sooner. Recruiters over the hiring process must seek candidates that will fit well into the company and be well suited for the hospitality sector as a profession. Invest in training programs as an opportunity to engage and upskill with employees. Hiring the best candidates with the best skills is essential.

Sustaining good employees 

This is a major issue in the hospitality sector. Many employees tend to leave early if they are not entirely happy with their hours, or the job itself, or even pay. Hospitality can have a lot of shift work so you are in high demand a lot of the time.


Companies spend money and time when hiring staff however the cost of hiring the wrong people or losing talent is much higher. Large sums of money are invested without doing the figures on the cost of hiring and analysis of previous spending and hiring processes. Rushing to hire people brings an ineffective process which can lead to poor hiring decisions.

Lack of resources 

You have a budget, allocated time, and done your research but there may be very little recruiters on the team to find quality candidates for the jobs that are available in the company. There may be not enough time or the resources to go through everyone’s CVs to ensure you are hiring the right person to fill the job position. In a recent study, on average a manager spends just 6 seconds looking at a CV due to other workload commitments and time constraints.